Who said "trigger the process of rebirth?" No one! Why, folks, must we deal with strawman arguments, rather than the actual issues in dispute?
I've interacted for years with people who teach "Arminianism", or anything that even closely resembles it.
The end of their reasoning always comes back around to what man can do for God, and not what God does for man.
You're not the first person I've seen, who seems to advocate that the gift of the new birth can in some way, be influenced
apart from God's
independent choice of a sinner to salvation.
That is why I make the statements that I make...whether or not you actually make them.
On a side note, you do the same thing, even if you don't realize it.
It's not "strawman", it's
For example, those who advocate loss of salvation, can be said to base their salvation on their own efforts...even if they deny that their efforts are what keeps them saved.
They still deny 1 Peter 1:5.
In the final analysis, that is the doctrinal end of their teachings.
in the same way, the doctrinal end of man's will being the determiner of who is saved and who is not, places the new birth as a cooperative effort...not an operative one.
So lets skip down to the actual dispute!
Obviously a blatant falsehood of gigantic scale.
John 3:16 anyone. Everyone believing into Him shall not perish but have eternal life!
A declaration and a promise, not a "requirement that can be met" by sinful men
apart from the grace and mercy of God.
John 3:16
implies nothing...it
declares several things, one of which is that
only those that believe, shall not perish, but have
everlasting life.
May I suggest, that if you're going to use John 3:16, try using it in its proper context?
" The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity." ( Psalms 5:5 )
" The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek [after God]: God [is] not in all his thoughts." ( Psalms 10:4 )
" The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth." ( Psalms 11:5 ).
Who believes, apart from God's grace, Van?
No one.
Psalms 65:4.
Next another blatant falsehood, claiming salvation through faith is a salvation through works.
Romans 4:4-5 anyone. Faith is not works.
Faith is the
antithesis of works.
Yet, not everyone has faith ( 2 Thessalonians 3:2 ).
Can you find a
Scriptural declaration that says
why one man has "saving faith", and yet another does not?
I can.