I serve a Huge God. You have to look at why God created man. He did not need nor did he want another class of puppets. He wanted a spirit being who had the ability to freely choose to live Him or freely choose to reject Him.
Chapter and verse please? We'll all wait for it.
This is the danger folks, those of you watching, see how he just makes a random statement that HE THINKS is how God operates, but has no scriptural support. The reason I asked for chapter and verse is that he cannot produce it, so he hopes reason will win the day, it will not, God's word does.
In John 6 Jesus answers this question, first He says man is Unable to come to Him, then He gives the only way man can come to Him, that is "IF the Father DRAWS him", then He says "ALL that the Father draw WILL COME", then finishes by saying "All that THE FATHER HAS GIVEN ME I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT", TULIP in on chapter and verse. Obviously there are thousands of such examples, but John 6 is a Canyon no Arminian has, or can jump over, climb under, it's clarity, it's context in answering why some believed and some didn't is without dispute.
Now this fellow clearly has no notion of Reformed theology. "Class of Puppets" huh? If you act in such a way so that a woman falls in love with you, is she a puppet? According to you she is, but this is not what scripture teaches, nor does Reformed Theology, "I have DRAWN YOU with Loving kindness", we are all made for God, just as water is to thirst, food is to hunger, so God is to man's happiness, no one can resist Him for He is life, and when He "Takes out our heart of stone and HE puts in a heart of flesh", our desires change to love Him and hate evil, that a Christian would use words like "Puppet" suggests strongly that they have never known the Lord, I have the Spirit of Christ, so my heart DESIRES THE THINGS OF HIM, to not know this is to not be Regenerated. I feel much pity for such a class of men, men who know not the Lord, no know what a Joy it is to be near Him, and do His will, not out of our strength but by His Spirit.
I'm so glad that God is the one who opens hearts, hardens them, opens mouths, closes them, there is not one part of reality that extends beyond his Sovereignty. If man had free will as this unlearned fellow suggests, then he must never pray for anyone, for what would you pray? That God violate mans free will and draw him to the Lord? Can't have that, no mighty man has to be in control, their tiny god in Heaven, begging for them all to come, crying every day "But you are dying tomorrow, I love you infinitely, GEE I HOPE YOU USE YOUR FREE WILL AND REPENT, FOR IF YOU DON'T I'LL HAVE TO HATE YOU FOREVER AND TORMENT YOU FOREVER, EVEN THOUGH I LOVE YOU, FOR YOUR FREE WILL IS MORE IMPORTANT AND POWERFUL THAN MY FREE WILL, OH WHY DID I GIVE MAN FREE WILL".