New Member
I don't understand how Bible believing Christians who are so adament against abortion support war and guns. It's all the same thing. A life is a life.
While you're trying to figure your way out of your problem.... I've one to present to you.....
I don't understand how some who call themselves Bible believing Christians are so angry against the brethren who oppose sin and abortion, support the country's defense placing their lives between us and the enemy, and provide and protect their familys? Why would a Christian judge another without a fault..... or invent faults?
Tell me please, how is it that a person would represent themself as a Bible believing Christian would oppose someone who follows the laws of the land.... and once enlisted in the military, obeys the Commander in Chief, as unto the Lord in their honorable performance? Doesn't the Bible teach that no man should judge another's servant.... so if the person is Christ's then the judgement belongs to Christ... and if one is a soldier.... the judgement belongs to the king..... so why would one Christian judge another while in service?
I can understand how some because of conscience or fear or unwillingness to make the sacrifice of deployment which also involves their families, might choose to not join the military.
But I can't understand how one Christian will judge another in regard to lawful and honorable service. Why do some do that?
Why do some who call themselves Bible believing Christians pick and choose what they want to believe and then judge their brothers...... They oppose capital punishment for the guilty who had their opportunity.... but justify abortion or murder of the innocent? Why do they judge the laws of God...... and think they can improve upon them? Why don't they see the contradiction of their own opinions.... ?
Why do some who call themselves Bible believing Christians judge the soldiers who go to war and their families and friends who pray for them and support them... when it is governments who make the decision to battle and the Christian soldier is duty bound to follow orders as long as they are bound to the military? Why do some who call themselves Bible believing Christians spend more time judging and trying to persuade others that they have the only right position..... when the Bible says the hearts of kings are in the hands of God to turn where He wills?
How is it that some who call themselves Bible believing Christians talk so big about loving the enemy and turning the other cheek..... but talk so little about compassion and possibly ministry for the lost..... and present no evidence of faith that God may present opportunities for Christian witness and compassion through those soldiers who are Christian and present on the battle fields or working with the local society to help restore it to normalacy and peace?
How is it that some who call themselves Bible believing Christians, seem so lacking in faith..... they, by their actions, are judging God who allows evil to happen,..... and all innocents caught up in it? If they prayed with as much fervancy as they post.... we just might have a different world....... unless there is something needful but lacking in those who call themselves Bible believing Christians?
Without humility, who can approach God?
Could it be that some who call them Bible believing Christians are having difficulty in some area which makes this profession true? STudy to show yourself approved unto God which is your reasonable service....
Also...... for by this shall all men know you are my disciples, if you have love one to another.