Many people believe that.
I didn't realize that "most" Christians were on that side of things.
And yes, there are some who have emotional issues with it (especially the sense of "fairness"), but that's not the only possible reason.
Then there are some of us who have been believers for more than 30 years and serious students of scripture for 25, who have heard and read the arguments for years but have rejected them for what we believe to be biblical reasons.
Yes, there are unbelievers who falsely profess Christ, but this statement is getting pretty close to insinuating that those who are not 5-point Calvinists are not true Christians. That's rather offensive and condescending. Someone could make the exact same claim against 5-pointers using the same reasoning.
While this is true, this is also another condescending assertion which might make you feel humble, but actually makes you look profoundly self-righteous in the eyes of anyone who doesn't agree with you.
I have had very little interaction with you, so I'm not going to assume you are that way, but I would appreciate a little more grace from the "Doctrines of Grace" bunch. Tom Butler is a fine example of a gracious 5-pointer, but many 5-pointers I have known face-to-face over the years are theological bullies who resort to condescending comments and asides when their views are not affirmed instead of actually having a discussion where both the Calvinist and non-Calvinist can learn something and appreciate each other.
Remember, 5-point Calvinists believe they are knowledgeable about the scriptures, and many truly are. However "
[k]nowledge puffs up, but love builds up. The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know."