Tom Bryant
Well-Known Member is not wrong . It is scriptural teaching.
1]Most Christians believe it.Some see it right away.Some struggle with some of the teaching on an emotional level because of their own personality and upbringing are different from how God declares the truth to be.
2]Some christians do not fully understand it yet, but desire to and still are searching it out.They might be young converts ,unaware that it is even an issue.
3]Some who profess to be christians are they do not have the Spirit,and cannot perceive the truth of God. They have a natural understanding as if the bible was a poem that they give meaning to.
7Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.
4]Some false professors are so full of themselves that they believe they know better than God himself,and attempt to dictate to God what can and cannot be.....The ones who say things like......I cannot worship a God who:
kills everyone in a flood,,,, or the Ot God was a God of judgement, but now their is a God of grace. or I cannot worship a God who would elect some persons and not give everyone a fair chance.
So, if I am hearing you correctly, I am not a Calvinist because
(1) of my upbringing. Actually i was saved under the ministry of a Calvinist and when i lived in Philadelphia as a young believer, I went to 10th Pres where Dr. James Montgomery Boice was my pastor.
(2) I am a young convert and just haven't searched it out enough. Actually, I am not a Calvinist because I don't think that is what the Bible teaches AFTER studying it out.
(3) I am not really a Christian, I just profess Christ and my mind is really at enmity against God. Actually, I have been saved through grace by faith in Jesus since April 28, 1968 at 17 years old. I had thought that it was against BB policy to call another's person's salvation into question, but let me assure you like the Holy Spirit assures me that I am saved as certainly as you are.
(4) I am so full of myself that I cannot countenance a God who is all powerful. God knows my heart. He knows I fall short of what He wants me to be. Sometimes - as some can attest here - quite publically. But I believe in the God of the Bible who is all powerful and is the same in the OT as the NT and who will ever be the same.
I think you believe in Calvinism because you believe the Bible teaches it. Can you not let me have the freedom to believe that it is not what the Bible teaches, not because of some spiritual defect, but because after studying the Scripture I don't think it's what the bible teaches. You may be right and when we get to heaven, I will search you out and say you were right. But I don't think you're unspiritual or spiritually immature or unsaved because you disagree with me. I think you just see it differently based on your study of the Scripture.