funny how...
(a) Alatide actually thinks there's such a thing as "free."
(b) Some folks are critical of others actually taking care of themselves.
I think, from my side, that the system got mad in both ways.
Here, we don't pay much for health, i mean " directly ". Most is withdrawn as a percent of what you're being paid. The rest (because there is a " rest "), let's say the last 30 % of the cost that is not taken in charge by the healthcare system, is paid by :
- Either you own a private insurance (as we do), that'll pay the rest of the bill.
- Either you're poor, and a special status makes that you won't pay anything at all.
Some things are really badly refunded by the healthcare system, no matter if you need or not, and the private insurance is limited too.
Let's say you need glasses, and 3 of your kids too, the same year. Even if you won't need to change these for let's say 3 years, you won't be able to have these 3 glasses taken in charge by the system (which refunds you for ... let's say 20 €) and your insurance will limit to 400 €, even if the bill is 1100 €. Same for teeth.
In fact, if you're honest, and are in critical need for 1 year (let's say everyone's sick or in need of expensive things not well taken in charge), you're wrong, even if you didn't cost anything the past 5 years. That's not normal : the insurance should cover.
Of course, on the other side, those who don't pay anything couldn't afford this at all without the system taking everything in charge. Of course, some abuse the system, going to see 3 doctors the same day for the same thing because it costs nothing, but i don't think it's the majority, i'm sure it isn't.
I think health should be a public sphere : health, in my mind, shouldn't be a job you earn money with, a private halth insurance shouldn't be a fund and make profit. In my point of view, like a pastor

, a doctor should live well, or very well, but not be rich. Health is not a market, or shouldn't be.
Here, i see people live longer, held by medicine, which has a cost we must take in charge, because we'll be there in the years to come and will be happy to have someone who'll take us in charge then.
Another problem i see coming here (and i guess anglo saxons know it more than us, but we're on the way), is overweight and all its health consequence. 10 % of the french are too big, and it's increasing. Tomorrow, heart problems, cholesteral, diabet, and all these things are hanging at our noses.
Of course, i could say " i make sport, i'm fit, it's up to them to stop eating rubbish/too much, the system should not take the big in charge, it's their fault ". But that's not my way of thinking.