No. I'm telling you that the only reason we do not sin greatly, without restraint, is because God, not us, restrains us. That's not agreement with you, brother.
Then why did God destroy the earth with a flood? Why didn't he just restrain man?
It's a new paragraph. It's a change of thought, not a continuation of the previous thought.
Nevertheless, vs. 7 shows that man has the ability to trust God.
Sorry, but "more deceitful than all else" is practically a verbatim translation from Hebrew into English. It means exactly what it says. Jeremiah ends this passage by praising God for delivering him from this state.
Again, he can still trust God if he chooses to do so. His heart is not out of control. If you believe otherwise, you are a Calvinist after all.
To what end? You prayed for what, and hoping for what? Because if you did not believe, those prayers didn't rise above your ceiling, given that the relationship you sought, you did not have. It's like asking a bank for a loan when you don't have a checking account there. They don't know you, they won't deal with you.
Complete error, and the story of Cornelius proves this. He was not saved, and he did not have the Spirit, yet God heard his prayers and sent an angel to tell him how to be saved.
This is a perfect example of how Calvinism has perverted man's view of mankind. Total Inability is complete falsehood.
Do you see what you wrote there? " ... hear the gospel and be saved" ... ? Regardless of what "good" he did, where, had God not sent him to Joppa, would he be spending eternity?
Of course I realize what I wrote. Cornelius was not saved, neither did he have the Holy Spirit, yet he was able to fear God, pray always, give much alms to the poor, etc... He was able to do truly "righteous works" as Peter himself said of Cornelius. He was not utterly compelled to sin all the time as Calvinism teaches. And God did not treat his good works as being hypocritical or self-serving as they insist everything an unsaved man does must be. The story of Cornelius absolutely destroys the false doctrine of Total Inability.
I agree. I'm not a Calvinist. But the concept of total depravity is absolutely correct, and it is correct because of the nature of Adam that was passed on to us by our Earthly father. Once he and Eve sinned, he became imperfect. How were two imperfect beings going to procreate and have a perfect offspring? Sinlessness requires perfection man does not possess. Otherwise, the Holy Spirit would not have had to intervene with Mary to bring forth a Perfect God-Man.
If you mean by depravity that all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God, I agree with you 100%. If you believe everything an unsaved man does is evil, you are absolutely wrong, and the story of Cornelius proves that. He was not saved, yet he was able to "worketh righteousness".
Acts 10:30 And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour; and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and, behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing,
31 And said,
Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God.
Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35 But in every nation
he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.
Total Inability is a total lie.