You shouldn't be so quick to judge motives.
I'm not "quick" to judge motives....
I've been on B.B. for a while...(longer than you)...I know where Icon stands on issues.
A little while back, Iconoclast and I were debating an issue, and I sort of demanded that he refrain from posting links, and simply present his case for himself. He thought the same, that I simply wanted to pounce on any shortcomings in verbiage, to sort of "win the day"
I assured him that was not the case, and we started a good, honest exchange.
My motive was simply that we are called to be ready to give an answer, not be ready to point to someone else's answer. What if i disagreed with the content in the link? Who should I argue against? The one who wrote the content, or the one who posted it?
A real answer exists...and it's
In addition, what if he understood the linked argument differently from me?
"Understanding" an argument "differently" is simply to say nothing.
One can't "understand" an argument "differently"...
that argument is either true or false...or valid or invalid...
there's no such thing as "understanding" it "differently"...
It is either wrong or right.
Then we're arguing apples and oranges.
Probably not...
arguing "Apples and Oranges" is appreciably and significantly different from arguing "true or false"....
I actually doubt
VERY MUCH...whether the difference was mere "Apples and Oranges".
It wasn' was critically important.
I'd like to think that Icon and I developed a little more respect for each other through that exchange, idea for idea.
I posses a grudging "respect" for Icon....he's no liberal to be sure...and there's no doubt that he loves the Christ who died for him and keeps no truck with liberals....I often love and appreciate his endorsement on the rare occasion it is forthcoming...
But, I assure you, he's Calvie to the core.....and if your Theology breeches that, he'll go for your jugular.
It didn't get resolved, because of the previously mentioned swift-handed mod, but it was good while it lasted.
It would take a special sort of Mod to referee that thread...It would take a guy who both cares and doesn't care all at the same time...
Squire couldn't give a fig for the argument one way or the other, and doesn't comprehend it's importance...hence...
he simply shuts down everything from post 1....
did serve to cut down the vitriol didn't it???
And it started with Icon taking a risk that I was being honest with my motive. And that meant a lot to me
But, I'm not a Calvinist...I tend to think that Calvinists are generally Intellectually dishonest persons who are not entirely forthcoming with their motives at all times.....
I tend to assume that non-Calvinists are more intellectually honest with themselves and the wheel turns... :thumbs: