Now we know that Adam sinned but that was because he had a free will so could make that choice.
I agree.
But since we lost the ability to make choices, according to one theological view, then would it not be that God makes the man sin?
I know of no theological view that states this.
That isn't to say that there isn't one, it's just that I've never heard of anyone saying that man was turned into a robot by the fall of Adam and Eve.
But if God actually
took away a person's ability to choose anything other than sin, then I would tend to agree with you.
The problem is, He doesn't and He never did.
My question to you is, what does Romans 1:18-32 and Ephesians 4:17-19 describe...
losing the ability to make autonomous choices,
giving us over to that which we have come to love ( sin ) and us darkening
our own hearts and minds
against Him...
Even though all of us are without excuse, know full well Who He is and:
" ...who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them." (Romans 1:32)?
I see the latter, which leads me to my next question:
How can God be the
author of sin if He simply
allowed us to have what
we wanted ( our free will choice ), gave us over to the consequences of it and its affects on our spiritual relationship with Him, and only graciously invades the darkened hearts and minds ( with the light of His truth ) of people that He desires to have mercy on?
He can't.
I also think you may be losing track of this:
According to His word in James 1:12-15, the Lord does not tempt us to sin, as we are led away into it of our own lusts and enticed;
In other words, we do a fine job of giving into sin all on our own.
God is neither the author of sin, nor does He condone it...
But He can and does use our love of sin and our desire to sin ( despite His commandments to repent and forsake those sins )
against us.
Believe His word when He tells us that He
is willing to show wrath and to make His power known,
and that He has appointed a day when He will judge all of us in righteousness by His Son.