When I converted I understood Christians, committed believers fell into one of two camps and that all Baptists were Calvinists, in belief. It was not long before that notion was dispelled.
My Pastor, the man that helped me make my Public Profession of Faith, soon taught me there is a third view point that reconciles the scriptures into a single view point on the scriptures called, Biblicist.
As a Christian that has felt the Baptist Doctrine is the closest to YHWH's teachings, that is where I stand, a Biblicist who believes there is no conflict in scripture. And as my disease progresses my mind is growing duller than it used to be but the idea that men have perverted the Holy Word, often heard, is biblcally unsound.
When I read Yashuah's warning at the
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jeremiah+1:5&version=NASBwarningend of The Rev. 20 I was excited ad applied it to all of scripture. One Deacon agreed with me and one other told me that was applicable, only to the book of The Revelation and not to the entire Bible. As I read through the Bible a few times, the Spirit, more and more, revealed other instances of the same warning beginning with Duet. 4:2. There are other instances but they have slipped from my mind.
Now, that the warning to neither add nor to subtract any words is recorded, I believe it is four times tells me that it is important to YHWH, Yashuah ha'Mashiah and to Ruah. I don't recall them having High-lighters before the 20th Century but YHWH has IMO highlighted points throughout the Scriptures and from this point I have concluded that the scriptures we have, all of them, are the Word of God.
In Mal, 3:6a we find that, YHWH is not so much like man that He changes. No, our Elohim ix constant, the one never changing person. It is popular, today, to teach that Yashuah, Jesus in Greek, is the God of the New Testament and God, the Father, was the God of the Old Testament but because someone teaches that heresy does not make it a fact. No, if a Christ Follower has studied to know Him closely they have read John 1:1-3 and they know that Yashuah is also the God of the Old Testament.
There was not a Shift Change during the 400 years of the silence of our LORD.
Now to my point, here. YHWH is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. i know it is difficult to comprehend but, just as we learn that we can go nowhere to hide from YHWH. If we travel to Mars, YHWH, remaining on the Earth is there on Mars with us.
At the same time, our LORD is not grasped by and locked into the Space/Time Continuum He created for our benefit. YHWH was before we are, before there was an Earth or any of the Stars we see. We read Genesis 1 & 2 and meditate with prayer to see this truth.
Then we go to the Revelation of Yashua 6:14 and Isaiah 34:4 where we find everything we see in the sky dissolving and/or eing rolled up as a scroll The Bible is true and is real but is what we see real? Te answer is, of course, yes but we neglect to factor YHWH into that equation and His unlimited abilities.
We are His children but we must learn the Hard Lessons also drop the bottles we have been feeding from.