Did you see the question marks? I was stating Y1’s position as I hear him saying and finished with a question mark, it is usually better to do that than to take such things for granted, although I’m pretty familiar with his beliefs and to be honest I don’t really expect him to answer a complex argument or deal with more than 1 premise in his response and was basically just passing a little time and messing wit em.Where did you get the idea that everything is being "predetermined"?
Do you think that everyone who reads Scripture and gets "Sovereign Grace" out of it, is a "Hyper-Calvinist", who believes that God predetermines every action?
Let’s be clear, I’ve glanced at a few of your posts and I know the basic position you are coming from, whatever you want to call it, I do not think you merely came up with the systematic soteriological theology that you espouse with all the common proof-texts you use to support the TULIP on your own. You may just want to refer to your position as the “Biblical view” but you should probably realize that such is also a common occurrence of question beggars that are in the “Cage Stage” and who are anxious to throw out their proof-texts.
As for “everyone who gets” - “Sovereign Grace” I believe God is Sovereign in who He gifts grace and so when my opponents use terms like they hold to the “THE Doctrines of Sovereign Grace” I merely look at it as trying to monopolize on a phrase with question begging the conclusion about the administration of the grace of our Sovereign God. Now, I’d give it to you/them if they wanted to call it “THE Doctrines of Deterministic Sovereign Grace” but otherwise you’re going to have to share that term if speaking to me.
As per “predetermining ever action”, I can appreciate that some will deny God being “Sovereign” to mean determining every action because it at least demonstrates that one has enough sense to recognize and try avoid Theological Fatalism. I understand there are “Hard Determinists” and then there are “Soft Determinist” who typically hold to some form of “compatibilism”, although I’ve noted that many “Hyper Calvinist/Determinists” today are realizing that all 5 points of the TULIP must necessarily logically hinge on strict determinism to hold water and I can appreciate that too in that at least they are acknowledging this logical necessity. Hence, the latter is when I might include the term “Hyper”.
...this is whole nother thread and I really don't have time to go to the mat on this right now, but you'll probably see me around.
Perhaps Calvin did ( I haven't read anything from most traditional "Calvinists ), but I wouldn't know, only having read the chapter on "Predestination" in the "Institutes" after I already understood it from Scripture.
I suspect someone going into the Institutes may have had just a wee bit of influence with their systematic scriptural interpretations before they got there, but that’s just me.
I don't follow John Calvin, I follow Jesus Christ and His words alone. I cannot speak for anyone else, not even the people in this thread who speak as I do.
Well, nothing personal, but origins doing with John Calvin aside, I believe rather you recognize it or not you have had a great deal of influence to arrive to your systematic theology, whatever you want to call it, and that is pretty obvious to someone who hasn’t just fallen off the soteriological TULI…Err…TURNUP Truck.
May you be blessed as well.