Yes, in the sense that there are decent IFB churches out there.
But many people on this very site testify of having bad experiences with IFB churches being backward, uneducated, pharisaical, etc...
While you call for us NOT to overgeneralize, it would give you credence if you would add, "But I will say that there sure are a LOT of these type churches who bear the title IFB out there."
Can't do that. As I've pointed out, there are over 9,000 churches that identify themselves as IFB. Even if we decide to say "a lot," what number or percentage of that >9,000 does "a lot" signify? And then how do we go about verifying that percentage or number?
If I agree to use the people who have posted here--including myself--as the yardstick, then how many IFB churches does that represent? If we agree to perhaps two dozen each, multiplied by the approximately dozen or so who have posted against IFB churches, that gives us about 288; for the sake of argument, let's round it up to 300. Initially, 300 sounds like a lot; but 300 is only 3% of 9,000. That leaves 97%, or 8,700 IFB churches that we can only speculate about. Even if we say there are two dozen people posting here, and they each know of two dozen churches, we still only come up with a number that equates to 6%; leaving 94% to either give the benefit of the doubt, or condemn based on the 6%.
So sorry, but I can't agree to "a lot."