I agree, there is a difference between stupidity (like preaching against flip-flops) and true abuse. I believe the site's writer brings that out to illustrate the "majoring on the minor" his pastor did.
It's still trivial. The preacher was trivial and the criticism is trivial.
Let me give a little perspective on the spanking deal. It could be the guy got a well-deserved spanking. Wouldn't be the first time, I'm sure. It could also be that his parents had the attitude that "if you embarrass us at school, or get a spanking at school, you'll get worse when you get home."
It is not uncommon for victims of abuse to wait until YEARS later to expose the abuse, because it takes that long to overcome the fears and brain-washing that comes along with the abuse. By this time, it's not possible to sue the abusers. As an adult, one is hard pressed to remember dates and times even if the abuser is still alive and whether the statute of limitations is in effect. Kind of hard to prove you got bruises from a school spanking that happened 20 years ago, especially if your parents never reported it or even added to it! So, the victim has no where to turn except to publicly cry out against those he feels is covering up the problem. In doing so, he risks the doubt and disbelief and criticism from those who would rather not hear it.
Thank you. And I'll give you some perspective right back. My older brother could be a mirror image of this guy's "About Me" section except we didn't go to a Christian school. But we grew up the same. He became anti-IFB and indeed anti-Christian. I grew up to be an IFB missionary. To give one example of many, we were both spanked for smoking at the same time. He thought we were abused then, I thank God for it. He starting smoking in HS, I thank God for godly parents who protected me by spanking me.
My brother physically and emotionally abused me growing up. He also abused my parents. Once in HS he came home late at night drunk, and called my father vile names. Dad just put his arms around him and said "I love you." My brother has come back to the Lord (is Episcopalian) and we get along great now. I'm not going to live in the past. I have victory in Christ.
Yes, I'm sure there are some nut cases out there who create websites for the sole purpose of harming the cause of Christ. I've seen a few sites like that, but I firmly believe the site mentioned in the OP is legit. If you read it thoroughly, you'll see this man is trying to serve God while healing. He's not bashing all Christians or even all IFB, (ok, just most IFB). He's telling his story and the story of many others and he's trying to overcome his past. I think, as fellow believers, we should give him a little credit even if we dislike what he says or how he says it.
I saw nothing whatsoever in this website about him serving God. His "About Me" was nothing but whining IMO. Who is he witnessing to? What SS class does he teach? He doesn't say. His whole purpose is to bash what he calls the "cult like IFB denomination." This so ignorant it's ridiculous. We are not a denomination and we are not a cult, and it does a disservice to people truly suffering in cults to call us one. I've talked to Japanese in America with the Moonies who were literally slaves since their passports have been taken away. Now that is real suffering from cultists. If people think IFBs are cults, then they become abusive to us, as opposed to the other way around.
I'll tell you what this IFB bashing is doing. It is producing some incredible pain among IFBs. I was in FL last year with my old college roommate. He's a somewhat radical IFB pastor, yeah, but loves the Lord. His wife is an absolute gem who keeps him straight.
An anti-IFB crusader in their town has been going to the children of IFB people and turning them against their parents. Their son left their home--just left with no word to his parents--and went to live with this woman along with a couple of others. (And I guarantee there was no real abuse in my roommate's home.) For a long time he wouldn't even talk to his parents. The anti-IFB woman? She was arrested for other crimes and as far as I know is still in jail. Now THAT'S what websites like this guy's are doing.