77 post and not a single Trump supporter has said anything about why I should vote for him, just why I have to vote against Clinton. His most ardent supporters have just resorted to name calling as if that is enough to convince someone to vote for their guy. Not one has actually discussed the points I have raised in the OP. I find that telling.
You complained Trump is white. That he is male. That he is old.. And, nearly your whole complaint about Trump, other than your isms, is you don't like how he talks. You like better the way other used-car salesmen talk.
I haven't seen any evidence Trump is racist. He's accused of being racist because of his concern for border integrity. The only racists are Trump's critics who think we shouldn't protect our boarders if the invaders aren't white.
Here's a reason to vote for Trump, he has provided a list of good candidates for the Supreme Court. Many of his positions are classic Republican, such as his position on healthcare reform (health savings accounts, letting insurance companies sell across state lines, etc.). He's picked a good VP. He has selected number of great advisers.
The best time for the RATs to have bailed on the GOP was when McCain won the nomination.