What on Earth does having books have to do with whether or not its Biblical?
Are you claiming that Arminians/Finneyists don't write books to help people understand their beliefs?
Having books has nothing to do with whether Calvinism is Biblical (I guess this is what is called “begging the question”…something I’m sometimes accused of…often correctly). But there is a difference between arriving at Calvinism (or non-Calvinism) through Scripture and trying to own another’s understanding . What I see in some people is that they understand Scripture through the works of another…this is different from using other’s works as tools or looking for help in understanding difficult doctrines.
I am not claiming that Christians do not try to teach Scripture by writing books. I’m not even claiming that they are wrong to do so. What I am saying is that some people lean too heavily on the works of men. They become disciples of MacArthur, Wesley, Enns…(fill in the blank) rather than Christ. The study of Scripture does not start, nor should it end, with the opinions of others. When we rely on the views of other rather than Scripture then we have an instant theological framework, but not a biblical framework even if it is correct - because the authority of that view is man rather than Scripture. This leads some to hold dogmatically to beliefs that they do not actually own and often do not understand. They simply regurgitate what someone else has told them. (For example, on one thread about N.T. Wright someone criticized his view based on the opinion of another and never having actually read Wright; others offers up the view of MacArthur, Ray Comfort, etc., but rarely engage Scripture outside of another’s opinion or view).
Like TND there are aspects where I may not literally line up theologically with every aspect of any so-called system. But at least I know what I believe and I own and understand my beliefs. This is really my point. Not that the books are bad, only that they should not be read with such authority (not that this applies to you, but I doubt you would deny it applies to some). Put it this way. It would be one thing for me to say that I believe Jesus is God because I read it in a MacArthur book, and yet another for me to believe that Jesus is God because it was revealed to me through Scripture as God’s own revelation to man. That said, if Calvinism is primary doctrine and Biblical, then I don’t see why it would be so hard to extract from Scripture. Personally, I don’t think it is…I just think people are becoming biblically illiterate and lazy.