Yes because my love for God is not the same as love for a translation or any Bible.
I lived in areas of America where sunsets over the water were a daily occurrence. I have never heard anyone say they love sunsets. I have heard many other expression use the word love.
Again, would you have written that statement if the name of your preferred/primary Bible version was in the title of this thread and under discussion, instead of the KJV?
Yes because my love for God is not the same as love for a translation or any Bible. People who cannot read and write can love God.
That was my point. And the reason for the question about your reply quoted earlier. IMHO, it was easily understood that the OP didn't equate the love of a particular bible version to be the same as his love of God. If memory serves, he even qualified it with statements about the "love" to hear English spoken in the manner of the KJV. Just as others would say they "love" to hear the hymn "The Old Rugged Cross".
I well understand, too, that people who cannot read and write can love God. My father couldn't sign his name. Yet, I know we'll meet again, in heaven, one day. While he couldn't read, he could understand the spoken language. If he didn't understand the meaning of a particular word, he would ask for an explaination. That's no different from checking an on line dictionary, when I encounter a word that I don't recognize and can't figure out from the context of the writing.
My father's situation was, in some ways, similar to the situation that was faced by people during the time of Jesus. They were, as he was, still expected to follow 2 Tim 2:15 using the resources available to them.
In a preceeding post, you mentioned a series of technical items. Some I recognized, and others would take maybe 10-15 minutes with a search engine to find the definition or particular fact involved. IMHO, using industry specific technical terms is much different than discussing language change or lack thereof with terms used in everyday general conversation or print. Whether it's the local newspaper or a version of the Bible.
I'm a hobby woodworker. I wouldn't expect the average person on the street to know the difference between scarf joints, butt joints, lap joints, coped joints, and half lap joints. However, if they want to become a hobby woodworker, too, I'd expect them to apply 2 Tim 2:15. STUDY.
2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.