Steven you are a stubborn, bullheaded, arrogant young man and you need to learn how to respect your elders... I got three true stories for you!
A preacher friend of mine when he first started the ministry found out his wife had cancer that ravaged her whole body... The doctors told her to go home and get your house in order, there is nothing we can do for you, you are going to die... All they could do was pray... Not only did they pray, all their family, church and friends prayed... They had two little girls at the time so he couldn't see how he could possibly raise them alone... He put it in Gods hands... The next time she went in for another check-up ALL the cancer was gone... A miracle to be sure and she has been cancer free for over 50 years.
I was married for 30 years but four years prior my wife went in for a check up and the doctor discovered kidney cancer, so they took the diseased kidney out and later on the other kidney was diseased and they took that one out too... While waiting for a transplant, family, friends and the church prayed for her but she died... She was a Christian Lady, so she was healed too... And what better healing is this?
2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
I told you I had three stories and here is the third one... Soon after I lost my first wife I met another Christian Lady online and we got married a year later... We had been married for over ten years we she went in for her yearly mammogram (breast examination) when they discovered a centralized aggressive cancer... We all prayed about it and she decided after checking all the options, she would have it surgically removed followed by radiation and chemotherapy... She has been cancer free for over 5 years now and because of what she went through it has set her on fire... She is now the head of The Women's Cancer, Care and Compassion Ministry at our church, which she started... They provide handmade comforting needs for those who are going through any type of Cancer... They even help a friend of mines wife and he is on this board.
There is physical healing, but don't forget there is spiritual healing also... And God can accomplish HIS healing in many ways as I heard my preacher friend say who's wife had the miraculous healing.
1.) He WILL deliver you from it... A miraculous healing
2.) He WILL go with you through it... He will comfort and guide you through it and all the trials you encounter, he will be there.
3.) He Will deliver you out of it... You WILL be in the presence of the Lord.
Update... My wife who has been cancer free for over 5 years now, had a questionable mammogram last week on her other breast, that was not cancerous... She goes in for another more in depth one tomorrow... This unworthy brother in the Lord ask for your prayers... All we can do is let go and let God!... Brother Glen