Thank you MP and menagerie keeper for your posts.
I hate these kinds of threads, they are the same. Black people this, black people that. Let me ask you this Philipians121 can you define black culture for me? Can you please point out characteristics in black culture that are not also present in white culture? People like you claim that black people have a victimization mentality, yet when things, such as the “millions more march”, happen the black people organizing and/or attending them are promoting racism. Which is it?” Do black people claim no responsibility for their community, or are they racist for only pointing out the problems in their community and working to solve them?
You keep on with all this nonsense about black African men, of which, unlike you, I did not need a movie to inform me of the problems, yet you have not succinctly linked it to racism in America. BTW conflict diamonds have been an issue for many years and many people knew about them before Blood Diamond was even in pre-production. You mentioned the black rappers here buying diamonds, but you obviously did not do all of your homework. (Tsk Tsk) Conflict diamonds are illegal. The diamonds legally bought in most of the world undergo “Kimberly Process Certification Scheme”. Then in the US you have the Clean Diamond Trade Act of 2003 that ensures the success of the KPCS in the US. Surely you are not implying that black rappers buy their diamonds illegally, right? You keep whining about all the problems in Africa, as if it only has to do with black Africans. Did you even once stop to consider that fact that before European countries began colonizing Africa it was relatively conflict free. Consider this Africa before colonization was not neatly divided into countries with perceptible borders. Africans lived in nomadic tribes. When the Europeans decided to divide the continent into separate colonies they tended to not take into account the different tribes they were separating. The root cause of much of the African violence today stems from tribal violence. Take the genocide in Rwanda, for example, between the Tutsis and Hutus. What about Nigeria? Oh that’s the Ibo, Yoruba, and Hausa tribes. The list goes on and on. It is not as simple as you seem to make it. Years of struggle, discrimination, and violence at the hands of not only the “whites”, but also other African tribes play a huge role in these conflicts. Let’s not forget POVERTY and DISEASE. Don’t you think this is also plays a role in the general struggles and problems in Africa? Then there is religion. Again a major source of power struggles in Africa.
BTW stop insulting the intelligence of black authors, and black people in general, by saying they are agreeing with you. You do not even come close to understanding them or their viewpoint. Trust me they do NOT define the black culture as you. They admit to problems in the black community and address solutions to them, but they do NOT define as narrowmindly as you have done.