I can't believe this thread is still going on this morning. But since it is:
Corndoggy said:
My only problem with the black community nowadays is that "equal" and "same" has somehow morphed into "special". For example:
Why can't we have "white" fraternities?
Why can't we have "white" magazines?
Why can't we have "white" scholarships?
Why aren't there laws saying that businesses must hire a certain percentage of white folks, regardless of whether they can actually find a qualified candidate?
Why can't we have the "white Miss America pageant"?
What about "The White Entertainment Channel" on cable?
These things are not the "same". I don't have a problem with "the same".
Why can't we white's have _______? Can you prove to me that we don't?
Do you realize what you are espousing? Separate but equal. It didn't work in our public schools, nor does it work in the vast majority of public arenas. Separate but equal does not encourage a united country.
Let's look at reality. I may be older than you so I may have a different view of reality than you. I lived through the separate water fountains, black folk who had to come to the back door of my uncle's restaurant and segregated schools. I was in downtown Detroit during the riots of the time. I was also in the deep south, "heart of Dixie" during as things were slowly beginning to change. White folk are stubborn. They don't change willingly.
Let's look at some of my experiences starting with the back door thing. When I asked my mother why there were folks coming to the back door, know what she said: Because they are black. Black? Yep, black people are
different than white people. I was about 4 at the time, but I fully understood that somehow the dark skin on those people meant they weren't in the same class as us. That they were somehow dirty or didn't hold the same values as we whites did. Awfully young to begin the indoctrination was I?
It gets worse: There were canine units in the elevator of the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit when I was 5 and severely ill. Why were they there? To keep out the bad black people. I knew about the riots, hard to keep that even from a child as young as I. I also knew that my parents and the majority of their white friends thought black people should be "kept in their place." Guess who my room mate in the hospital was? A young black girl from Alabama who was there to have some sort of eye surgery that couldn't be performed down south. Times were beginning to change and I learned very quickly that week in the hospital that really, there isn't much difference between white and black except the color of our skin. The differences are deeper and have nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with whether or not a person is submitted to Christ. If we want to talk differences, this is where we need to start, does the person in front of me know Jesus? Not, is the person in front of me a different color.
Now while this was going on, how many black folk did I see on TV? it was rare until the late 70's. No one would hire a black entertainer. You imply we should be separate but equal, but can separate be equal? Black ladies on Miss America? Should we really have two separte pageants? How much sense does that make, logically? White only fraternities? White only magazines? Scholorships? You'll have to prove to me that these don't exist, because the reality is that even in my little town we have a school that is so predominately white that it is nearly pure as driven snow and it has only been since my children entered school that there was even a mixed race child that attended. But you know the schools that are winning all the awards? The one that is predominately black and has a black principal who understands the struggles faced by black families, and the one that is racially diverse according to the population levels of the community and has a white principal who is effective in teaching children from all economic and racial groups and making them into a team.
We as a country need to stop dividing ourselves along racial/cultural lines and get back to becoming Americans. Proud, united in a comman goal, AMERICANS! We should celebrate our diverse talents because it is these talents that allow us to be the greatest nation on earth! (sorry, bit of nationalist pride here) If we allow ourselves to become again "separate but equal" what good will it have accomplished?
And Christians have absolutely no business judging someone on the color of their skin! What does the Bible say on this issue:
Eph 6:9And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, and forbear threatening: knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no respect of persons with him.