Can we settle this? If we are not to use the death penalty because Christ rescinded...
I don't believe Christians should support the death penalty based on scripture.
Paul tells us in I Tim. 1:16 that our Lord Jesus Christ gave Christians an example to follow. The example was to show mercy with perfect patience to the worst of sinners, even murderers like Paul. Support for the death penalty is contrary to that command.
Jesus changed the conditions for implementing the death penalty in John 8, with the woman caught in adultery. He referred to implementing the death penalty when He said the one who is without sin among them is the one to cast the first stone. According to O.T. Law, the 2 or 3 witnesses are the first to cast stones in the execution. Jesus changed that to the "one who is without sin". We do not have the wisdom to implement the death penalty. Only God, since He is without sin, has such wisdom and righteousness.
As far as your concern that such beliefs lead to not punishing anyone for anything, I find that argument to be a red herring/straw man...etc..etc... it has no basis in reality.
The difference is .... death. I oppose executing people... I don't oppose punishing people for their crimes.
What makes for an appropriate punishment for various crimes is a separate issue, and yes, I believe you can still show mercy to someone and still support punishment for their crimes.
As to your question about whether we can settle this issue.... I am not particularly hopeful given the responses I have seen in other threads. Over 60% would support executing a fellow Christian knowing that God was using them to further the cause of Christ in the world.
I really do find that shocking.
peace to you