You still haven't answered the question. Given that you say the death penalty was not revoked, should we execute adulterers today?
I won't be tricked. The death penalty is good enough for God, so it is surely good enough for me, like it is written, by a smarter being than me.
For all we know, the man ran and wasn't caught. Or another mob had the man a couple of streets over. The woman could have ran and they just caught up with here where Jesus was. There are many different possibilities. Neither you or I know what happened with the man.
Hogwash. The pharisees were going to murder a woman. That is what Christ stopped. He didn't stop the death penalty, or it would certainly be in scripture. The man isn't mentioned, or even addressed, like he would have been, if it were to be a biblical punishment. Not sure why you don't see that. The bible says she was brought before Jesus. That indicates a controlled situation.