New Member
It's an interesting question, Bro Curtis, though: as the Law commanded that the death penalty be exacted for adultery as much as for murder, surely if we are to execute murderers then we should equally execute adulterers. Calvin's Geneva wasn't squeamish about this; why are you?
This is the same kind of manure (so called logic) that so called homosexual Christians use to justify their lifestyle.
There is no such thing as a homosexual Christian. Just those who claim to be Christians.
As to adulterers I have no question that God would support the death penalty today for adultery if applied in the same manner as in OT times. If you look at scripture the death penalty for murder was given to the world before the law and has never changed. The death penalty for the adulterer was given to a theocracy not the world. So if we applied the death penalty for adulterer today it should be applied to those in the church and not the world.
The problem is not with the punishment but the problem is that we as Christians have become like the world and separated ourselves so far from what God stands for that are shocked by just how He feels about certain things.
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