I am not sure how you can deduce that from what I wrote. The fact that young people want nothing to do with many churches lies deeper than just music. It has much more to with the superficiality they see and know about. I have found that the majority of college students I meet with to be far more serious about their faith than the majority I have discussions with my age. College age students are not afraid to ask the tough questions. They are asking tougher questions than I did when I was their age. I have seen adults squirm while young people are listening to straight talk. They do not want sugar water unless they are used to church as a place to just have fun. The fact that all will die and a church that refuses to encourage young people will eventually find that they have no church left or if they those once young people will eventually be the leaders. If one reads Psalm 150 then I guess you could say that heavy metal sounds would be appropriate. It is well known among those involved in music that the instruments used in worship are the same instruments in the world when they were younger. I am unable to find a piano or organ in scripture. What I find rather interesting is that students in college in parachurch organizations who are serious about their faith are singing a combination of CCM and hymns. I find that the churches are lagging behind in that matter. Many pastors I talk with are not aware of what college students are doing and what they are singing. So often they think that CCM is the latest trend in music when it is not. It will be interesting to see what happens when the college students get older.
This is nothing new.
It is always that way.
It is part of the human growth that as a person matures they seek out other than their parents and authority figures of their youth. They turn to any who will listen and share.
Such things are not indicators of any trend.
How do I know? Because over 50 years ago, I was where those students are.
There is no "new" to what you are bringing. Most of us who have attended multiple universities from a half century ago have experienced such things.
Superficiality is as much part of the youth as it is with the adults in their 30 - 40s.
I have met far more adults (50 and above) that are serious about their faith than I ever did on the university campus.
I have seen folks trump out Psalm 150 as some kind of proof that all manner of music is allowed. It isn't.
Praise ye the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power.
(The setting - Where is the firmament of His power? His power is unchallenged only in Heaven and will be unchallenged in the millennial reign - but on this earth until that time - nope. This is also an indicator of the awe that should be expressed as one recognizes where God abides and what goes on in that place.)
Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.
(This is as all believers should and do - do.)
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet:
(Ram's horns (word is showphar) used in battle and calls to worship - not the multi harmonic tonal metal instruments of this day)
praise him with the psaltery and harp.
(Psaltery was a jug shaped instrument like David used to calm the wild side of Saul - definitely not the electric guitar used in the contemporary music)
Praise him with the timbrel and dance:
(timbrel is a tambourine like instrument and the timbrel dance was a dance that described both who and what you are - think native american dance displaying the character of an animal such as an eagle. It is NOT the jumping, hand waving, emotionalism that passes as dancing in the spirit of this modern age.)
praise him with stringed instruments and organs.
(stringed instruments is the word "men" and indicates the use of cords. Because frets were not common in the days of David, the plucking of strings making chordal progressions is indicated. Organs are air blown instruments made from reeds)
Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.
(a cacophony of sounds similar to what might occur in a Buddhist temple when gongs and rattles are used. The high sounding refers to shouts needed for battle instructions. An illustration: In the pacific islands a type of music uses a leader that shouts out a command (like the drill Sargent) and the choral group changes in accord to the command - be it tonally, staccato, mode, ... This is indicated in this verse.)
Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.
(The word breath is divine inspiration of intellect, soul and spirit. This is exactly what the Lord would desire of every believer - their heart, mind, soul, and strength).