Giving to God isn't just giving to the church, either.
God may very well tell you to give to someone directly, or to a ministry of which your church is not part.
While Jesus praised the widow for giving her mite, I believe He would give us a royal chewing out if we went around teaching the widows MUST or SHOULD give those mites.
I believe rather He would challenge us to give to those widows rather than build a nicer newer Forward in Faith building, or make sure we order some new music, or any of the other luxuries we enjoy whether it be as individuals, church staff, or the church body as a whole.
God may very well tell you to give to someone directly, or to a ministry of which your church is not part.
While Jesus praised the widow for giving her mite, I believe He would give us a royal chewing out if we went around teaching the widows MUST or SHOULD give those mites.
I believe rather He would challenge us to give to those widows rather than build a nicer newer Forward in Faith building, or make sure we order some new music, or any of the other luxuries we enjoy whether it be as individuals, church staff, or the church body as a whole.