It is scriptural in that God has promised to preserve his "pure" word. Pure means without error or corruption. So you cannot have many various versions that either add or diminish from God's Word. The CT has nearly 3000 less words in the Greek from the RT, so either the CT diminished from God's Word, or the RT added to it. But they cannot both be the pure Word of God at the same time, it is impossible.
Ok, then please show me the "pure" Word then. Remember, the KJV has different editions with different words. Yes, I know minor, but if you are going to go down the "pure" path, you need to be consistent.
I will agree, that does not identify the KJB as that preserved and pure Word of God in English. But if not, then which version is?
Here lies your error. You are making the assumption that there must be a perfect version. Is this only in English? What about before the KJV ever existed. Was there a "pure" word "without error or corruption" before the KJV. If so, what was it?(I never seem to get an answer here) Was it the geneva? Bishops? Was it another language?
And that is the point of my original question. If the KJB is not the preserved and pure Word of God in English, then one of the other versions must be. So why aren't there any persons out there committed to one of the MVs?
Again, as noted above. why must a version be perfect. If that is a requirement for preservation, then there must be a pure version prior to the 1611 AV.
And you know, I could make the same argument as you. Where in all of scripture does God say he will manifest his word in many various versions?
This question is part of your fundamental problem with the issue. I'll be addressing that below.
And like I said, try telling your wife you are committed to her and five other women and see if she is convinced by your ridicuous argument. I am betting you better duck, because a frying pan might be coming your way. To say you are committed to many versions is to say you are committed to none.
there is only one word. It's not in English so we translate it so we can read it. Your wife vs word analogy has too many issues. Apples and oranges.
Let me explain how I came to be KJB only. I wasn't influenced by anyone but the scriptures themselves. When I was young and first saved, I was struck by Matthew 4:4
At that time I had a KJB and an RSV and it was very easy for me to see they were very different. I knew they both could not be correct. So I prayed and did some study. I got many good books on Bible versions. When I was done, I was convinced the KJB was the pure Word in English.

so, was it the Scriptures or the books that influenced you?
Now, that does not prove I am correct, although I sincerely believe myself to be so. And I have always asked, if the KJB is not the pure Word of God in English, then which version is?
And that is it, you won't find anybody who stands up for a single MV. I have never found one person who says the NIV is the one and only pure Word of God in English, or the ESV, or NASB or any other MV.
Because they are translations of the Bible made by men so we can read it.
All MVs try to insist that all versions are the pure Word of God which is impossible. I am amazed that a person can fool themselves into believeing this obvious false argument. It is impossible. [/quote]Nobody says that any translation is perfect other than the kjvo's. We recoginzed that the translations themselves are not perfect translations of the perfect Bible
How a person can convince themselves that two versions that are different in thousands of words, dozens of verses and complete passages are both the pure and uncorrupted Word of God is beyond me. I cannot allow myself to believe a false argument like this.
Because that isn't what we believe. Nobody(except the kjvo) says that a translation of the Scriptures will be perfect. There are translational choices(which you can translate something with lots of words or few words and have the same meaning), textual choices. (neither those that were involved with the TR or the CT were kept from error)
Like I said, tell your wife you are committed to her and five other women. Your view is a joke and fallacy. To say you are committed to many versions is to say you are committed to none.
Analogy isn't the same.
I disagree with your logic. A translation can be perfect. When we read the words of Joseph to his brothers, that was a translation, Joseph spoke in Egyptian.
Gen 42:23 And they knew not that Joseph understood them; for he spake unto them by an interpreter.
If God can translate Egyptian to Hebrew without error, why can't man?
Actually, here is part of the fundamental issue here. In Genesis, Moses translated. He was guided by God and kept from error in his works. This is what we call sometimes the inspiration of the Scriptures. Was the KJV translators inspired? If so, then that's double inspiration. If not, then that's why they don't have a perfect translation.
So, this is yet another false argument MVs use. Their whole position is defined by many false arguments.
you mean the kjvo's right?
We have other examples as well, when Nebuchadnezzar spoke that is a translation. When Jesus and all the apostles spoke, that is a translation from Aramaic to Greek.
Were the kjv transaltors guided by the spirit to write exactly the correct words like the apostles were? If so, double inspiration, if not...well you have your answer then
Here is the truth from Scripture.
The words are God breathed(2 Timothy 3:16) and were written down by men and were kept from error (2 Peter 1:21, John 16:13). The words are pure and inerrant( John 17:17, Psalm 119:151,160, Psalm 12:6). We know the words will be preserved (Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35).
This is what the Scripture teaches. Never does it teach that the copyist would be kept from making errors. (Which we know that no 2 manuscripts are in complete agreement). Never does it teach that translators would be kept from error.
Was the Bible inerrant before we ever had a copy of the Bible in English? Was it in one bound copy of the Scriptures? If so, what was it?