Winman;1576704Robycop, do you even understand what faith is? Faith is never something you can prove.
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
What is the deal with the "gansta" talk you have going here and when you said "butcha" earlier? You will appear far more intelligent if you use proper English. I know you are intelligent, but you are not helping your cause with language like this.
Simple Computerese.
I don't worship my Bible, it is ink on paper. But I do worship the God who said he would preserve his Word to all generations, who said heaven and earth would pass away, but his words would never pass away.
And, who is NOT COMMITTED to any one text nor translation.
If we are wrong, we are wrong.
And you ARE. Not in your committment, but in your REASONS for it.
It is not unscriptural however at all.
It's not? OK, lessee ther Scriptures. And please, DON'T say "Psalm 12:6-7. That "thingie has been proven FALSE by the AV1611 itself.
God said he would preserve his Word, we believe it, and believe in the English language he preserved it in the KJB. There is the remote possibility we are wrong, I have always said that. We believe by faith, not scholarly proof.
No "remote" to're simply GUESSING. Faith has SUBSTANCE & EVIDENCE as ya know by quoting Heb. 11:1, and again, KJVO HAS NEITHER!
But if the KJB is not the preserved Word of God in English, then which version is?
And no one here is saying the KJV aint a valid version.
And that is a question that has never been answered by any MV except to give the false argument that all versions are the preserved Word of God.
WRONG. I just answered it for the zillionth time. You just don't like that answer, butcha CANNOT PROVE OTHERWISE!
There is no verse in the Bible saying that God would preserve his Word in the English language in a version called the King James Bible.
Nor any other specific version. Butcha evidently liketa pretend there is!
But God did say he would preserve his word to all generations. So it is very scriptural to believe that God's true and preserved Word is in the world. No version is identified, so we must seek to identify it on our own. We have the witness of early church fathers whose writings agree with the RT but do not agree with the CT texts. We have very early scriptures in other languages that agree with the RT but do not agree with the CT.
We also have the witness of those who followed the CT versus the RT. What came out of the CT? The Roman Catholic Church and their suppression for nearly 1000 years, their murder of hundreds of thousands if not millions of true Christians, their complete corruption. It was not called the Dark Ages without reason.
What fruit did the RT produce? It brought about the Reformation and the breaking away from the slavery of the RCC for millions. The common man now had the scriptures he could hold in his own hands and study, and not be dependent upon the corrupt RCC church. We have worldwide evangelism where the gospel was taken and preached on every continent and in all nations.
The Scriptures were around long before the "RT". Again, you're simply GUESSING. Without ANYTHING FROM GOD IN HIS WORD about any doctrine of worship, we MUST assume it's false, since there's only ONE other ultimate source of doctrines of worship other than GOD......
Matt 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
And the fruit of KJVO is a big fat lemon.
Long ago, we identified the MAN-MADE SOURCE of the current KJVO edition as being a CULT OFFICIAL'S book, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated (1930) by Dr. Ben Wilkinson, a 7TH DAY ADVENTIST official. So there's some EVIDENCE for KJVO's MAN-MADE origin. Now, do you have ONE QUARK of SCRIPTURAL SUPPORT or authority for KJVO? Newp! Therefore, KJVO isshownyabee MAN-MADE AND FALSE. Since it aint from GOD, it must be from the devil. Betcha CANNOT prove otherwise!