I thought about this question after I read the following quote from agedman on the now closed Riplinger thread.
If those who studies and learns and translates the original language manuscripts into English and other languages and yet have major doctrinal differences based on the words, what is the advantage in knowing and studying those languages and why don't they have the same insight since they have the same Holy Spirit in them, if they are born again Christians, which I think most of them probably claims to be?
And, since I am asking questions; isn't John 3:36 (which was the example given above) to be interpreted in a dispensational framework because God does not impute sin to the living after Jesus Christ had propitiated him by the sacrifice of himself on behalf of all the world? If not, what did the cross of Jesus Christ accomplish for me and for you?
Apparently from your post you do not put much authority in the study of the original languages to tease out a more intensive and extensive understanding of God’s word. I find that remarkably sad. How can you not bring insight into John 3:36 if you do not comprehend that the two words translated “believe” by the KJV reflect far different aspects? It is not merely one does and the other does not believe; rather, there is open rejection, rebellion, and refusal in the “believeth not”. Other versions and language work help bring this thinking to light. KJV only folks typically miss the very cause of wrath. Lack of belief is not benign or dormant but a forceful rejection that vexes the very heart and mind of them that believe.
If those who studies and learns and translates the original language manuscripts into English and other languages and yet have major doctrinal differences based on the words, what is the advantage in knowing and studying those languages and why don't they have the same insight since they have the same Holy Spirit in them, if they are born again Christians, which I think most of them probably claims to be?
And, since I am asking questions; isn't John 3:36 (which was the example given above) to be interpreted in a dispensational framework because God does not impute sin to the living after Jesus Christ had propitiated him by the sacrifice of himself on behalf of all the world? If not, what did the cross of Jesus Christ accomplish for me and for you?