Originally Posted by historyb
I don't liberals do, they are not that smart.
Give this practice up. It makes you look like a fool. And BTW I'll match my intelligence against any of the conservatives on the board. Wanna give it a shot?
It's foolish to argue with a one liner bullies who breaks from the topic and in the absence of any sensible arguements or facts, substitutes for lack of or lazy intelligence, attacks on others discussing the topic. That said:
I remember the accusations and questions regarding George W. Bush, when in a speech and then when questioned, he hedged and said to the effect that Jew, Muslims, and Christians all worship the same God. But several times during his Presidency, when he was pushed regarding his faith, clearly stated that he believed the way, at least for him, was through Jesus Christ, and while he wasn't ready to condemn others who believe otherwise, he considered this was Biblically correct and that God is the judge...not him, fortunately. Once, in a statement to the question he said Jesus said I am the way. Possibly no President in recent years made as near a public Christian profession as GWB..... yet some here questioned his Christianity.
Barrack Hussein Obama makes a statement, when pressed regarding his Christianity, that he is Hindu, and Bhuddist, Islam and Christian and views all from a Christian perspective.
Sad........ Why can't our leaders openly confess their Christianity or if they feel incompetent to answer the question (perhaps for the divisive nature of the question to target someone who in his role of office represents all the people within the country not just a particular creed) just make that simple confession that Jesus said he is the way the truth and the life, and leave the authority with the Lord.
Obama's answer did not have any certainty on which I could hang a hat if necessary to do so.
Personally, I believe the scripture which says, train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it: If this is true of Obama, then his foundational religion to the age of 8 was basicallly Islam, and, I think, when living with his grandparents..... very little exposure or support which was Christian. I think they were socialist if not communist, and agnostics if not atheist. I think the man has made an attempt to integrate all of these beliefs and is in denial regarding the conflicts rather than making a decisive determination of what religion he believes. As far as conflicts over socialism vs republicanism.... the man is decidedly a socialist ........and this is consistant with his foundation. Personally, I think any loyalty to Christ and the Bible and the Christian community hangs by a thread.... if even that exists.