Dagwood said:
Fair enough.
What are the reasons for your beliefs concerning this issue?
Look at the state of the society today as compared to 50 years ago! Morality, ethics, honor, acceptance of responsibility, etc, etc, etc are far more degraded than then.
I notice that you are in your mid 50’s so most likely by the time you were becoming aware of the morality (to cover all aspects of society) downslide it was well into a nosedive.
Let me note right now that this is a “NATIONAL PEOPLE” problem, not just a Democrat or Republican infection; it just so happens that the Ds are achieving this destruction faster than the Rs, and unless (
not looking very likely) we as a nation get back to acknowledging God as our sovereign Benefactor and Master, this nosedive will just accelerate.
By far the majority of this change was brought about by the liberalizing of the scriptures, a nanny government that tries to be all things to all people, a push by the more liberal element of society to see nothing but good in mankind and attributing all his evils to a bad childhood, lack of love from parents, color of skin, status in society etc., etc.! Not to discount the
EFFECTS of any of these parameters, but these to the exclusion of
PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for personal actions, therefore, in essence, allowing an individual to blame everything & everybody for all his personal problems & shortcomings except himself.
The left’s overemphasis on RIGHTS, as opposed to RESPONSIBILITIES, just feed this particular monster, so that today
most media (and
most liberals) are more concerned with a murderer’s rights and “
causes” of his dastardly deed, than for the victims and their families, or the punishment for said crimes.
One glaring example of this is the comparison of the deaths of individuals. The liberals (and please note that party affiliation is immaterial here) feel abortion
(the taking of a innocent life that has done nothing yet that he/she is responsible for) is perfectly OK, yet the execution of a murderer (
one who is personally responsible for the intentional death of another ) is somehow barbaric.
Of course all this was achieved because most of the Christians of this nation were too busy chasing the “American Dream” instead of chasing God and listening to and obeying His commands; and I plead guilty to this sin!
Dagwood, I could give much more to bolster my beliefs, but I hope this answers your question to the extent that you can understand my feelings. Whether you agree or not, I think it’s obvious that you & I will never agree politically, & that’s fine; but I do hope you agree that we need to get this nation turned around and back on the principles upon which it was formed, namely a strong trust and reliance in and on God.
At any rate, I feel we as a nation are doomed, and barring a direct intervention from God there is nothing in the future, politically, to truly give us any hope of surviving as we now know America.