Really? Proved it to who?Not in the least. He had to prove his qualifications before taking office.
But not in this case, so why would you bother to throw that out there?I don't care about long vs. short form. What if the courthouse had burned down taking vital records with it? It has happened you know.
Obama offers no excuse for not providing an actual birth certificate.
Ridiculous and spurious whining & accusations from the fringe are best ignored. Why engage every nut case who comes up with some alleged issue?
Wanting assurance that the person holding the office meets the constitutional requirements is "ridiculous, spurious whining"?
I did not say that "the country is questioning his qualifictions". I said that he could unite the country - those who question and those who do not question."The country" isn't questioning his qualifications. Only a few on the nutty fringe are continuing to do so.
Perhaps you are too reflexive in responding. Maybe you could slow down a little and read with more care.