Huh? Srsly? Surely you're saying this in jest? Homosexuality has been around for centuries. Ppl were less tolerant of it then than they are now. Used to be condemned to death many moons ago. Now, we have grown tolerant of it. Not saying we should burn them at the stake, hang them, draw and quarter them, &c., but many moons ago they kept it secret because they knew a noose neck tie was waiting for them.
Homosexuality, lesbianism, transgender(ism), are wickedly being written into a pubic school sex-ed course to be mandated for all students to take. Marriage is not between a man and a wife any longer. They are taught otherwise. Our government, justices, and school systems say otherwise. Yes, it is of utmost importance, not just for our children's sake but for the sake of government intrusion, the attacks of the ACLU, Human Rights Commissions, varying atheists groups, etc., to have a clear written statement in one's constitution/statement of faith so that your church does not get shut down on a principle of discrimination. That was not a problem in the 17th century.
Sin is sin, and God deals with it His way. The reason why you don't like the 1644 WCoF(though I do not agree with the paedobaptism in that confession) and the 1689 LBCoF is because it adheres to the five points of the Doctrines of Grace...IOW, the five points of Calvinism. That is really why you do not like them.
1. It doesn't addresses the current issues of the day--example given above.
2. It is contrary to the theology I believe: as one current theologian put it: "post mil and amil positions are the dinosaurs left over from the 19th century resistant to change."
3. I am non-Cal, a dispensationalist. Obviously I don't agree with it.
4. I don't agree with any of its eschatological position.
5. I don't agree with its statements on the "Sabbath Day."
6. There are some statements on baptism that I do not agree with.
Why would I accept a Confession of Faith that I do not agree with?
This is one of the most foolish things a person could ever do.