Well-Known Member
1 Cor 13:9 is speaking of our perfect understanding in heaven.
I agree.
I have already stated I’m willing to be convinced from scripture. You haven’t y]et given any reasonable answer to Matt 24:29+ which clearly states Jesus returns and the elect are gathered after the tribulation.
But not after the great tribulation. Tribulation are the days we are living in now; but that is before the great tribulation when all remaining on the earth will be tempted to take the mark of the beast or not to survive in the NWO & if they do, they are going to the lake of fire.
The passages from John 15 and Luke 12 have nothing to do with the rapture of the saints. They are warnings to those who profess the follow Jesus to let their actions be consistent with their profession of faith.
And are the consequences for not abiding in Him & His words in being ready per John 15:6 & Luke 12:40-49 is being cut off to be with unbelievers when this fire is coming on the earth? Why still call them His servants as they get judged per the measures of stripes per the knowledge they did have for not being ready & less stripes per lack of knowledge for not being ready?
I understand that God disciplines those He loves and leads us to a deeper understanding of His word which strengthens our relationship with Him and other believers.
John 15:1-8 per verse 6 suggests not all saved believers will abide in His words to be pruned to bear more fruit.
I will consider your opinions but understand any “insights” God has given to you doesn’t bind me to anything. Be convinced in your own mind, and I’ll be convinced in mine and I won’t assume God isn’t guiding your understanding because they differ from mine.
peace to you
Do consider that with Jesus since we are to prove all things from everybody by Him since Jesus is our Good Shepherd.