Salamander said:
You "let it go", I have every right as a BB member to post in any forum on BB open to Baptists.
Yes, you do. And other BB members have the right to expect threads to be kept on topic. For once, instead of promoting your own agenda, why don't you respect the right of others to have a civil discussion without it being hijacked to a divisive KJVO argument?
Salamander said:
As far as the "hijacking"? I hadn't mentioned KJVO in that fashion.
No, you certainly didn't mention the term KJVO. But you DID say...
Salamander said:
The facts are that only one version has withstood all the controversies over the years. Some will taught a fav version over another, but only one withstands that "fav" thing, too.
If you're not promoting the KJVO myth, then what "one version" are you referring to? There's a strike against your own credibility, Sal.
Salamander said:
You've got a strange feddish [sic] about me, you know?
You flatter yourself, Sal. I certainly
DON'T haved a fetish about you. This false accusation is yet another strike against your credibility.
1. An object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, specially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices.
2. An object of unreasonably excessive attention or reverence; made a fetish of punctuality.
3. Soimething, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification.
4. An abnormally obsessive preocupation or attachment; a fixation.
- The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
1. No, I certainly don't believe you have any magical or spiritual powers, Sal.
2. No, I certainly don't give you axcessive atention or reverence.
3. NO WAY!
4. No, I don't have an obsessive preoccupation or attachment for you.
Salamander said:
I remarked on the issue of why so many versions. I excercised my member privilege with a response. Deal with the response and get off your high-horse. Of course your's may be so high that it will take a stepladder.
My, my, my, Sal. Such a personal attack because I mentioned you were apparently trying to hijack the thread. Your "one version" comments, based on your track record, could only be taken by any reasonably intelligent person as a plug for the KJVO position. You really don't deal with truth or opposition to your position very well, do you, Sal? There's
another strike against your own credibility.
Salamander said:
Better vhange [sic] this or you might get accused of making every topic a "KJVO" hijacking
Your meaning isn't very well articulated here, Sal. Are you intimating that I try to turn every thread into a KJVO thread? If that's what you're saying, then your accusation is absolutely false and has no basis whatsoever. There's
another strike against your own credibility. You do more to damage your own credibility than anyone else ever does.
When God's word is attacked by those who hold the errant "one version" or KJVO position, I defend the word against such attacks. I have always defended God's word against KJVO attacks, and I have no intention of stopping now.