and secondly how the National Democratic Party,how they are Marxist.
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs".
That about sums up what today's Democrats are all about. For many years Democrats have supported a progressive tax scheme which has now reached a point where so many people do not even have to pay any Federal taxes on their income, in fact they actually get money from the government no less! ("Earned Income Tax Credit"). Something like the top 10% of all wage earners are paying 40% of all the taxes.
They want to take your money and redistribute it to others via government programs and that is exactly what Obamacare is, a massive monetary redistribution and it is also more governmental control over the people. Such schemes goes against everything our nation stands for and turns free people into slaves so others can get stuff without having to work for it.
And they just love government education where children's minds can be molded. The basics are ignored while all kinds of "progressive" themes are encouraged and highlighted. Most college loans are now government controlled and money is routinely given out to anyone to study anything.