And this attitude is the very reason why we get corrupt political leaders.
Choose comrade. The Donald or the queen.
Third Party or write in = The queen.
Or stay at home and wait for the coronation (it might be from a prison cell or hospital).
Then prepare for more baby murder and non-voluntary euthanasia.
Baby murder denies every
right guaranteed by the Bill of
Rights as well as the right of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Euthanasia. It is now voluntary here in the People's Republic of Washington, however it is the physicians final decision.
Ever wonder why its not "assisted suicide" as in Oregon State?
Probably because in WA and in the event of your incompetence to decide or a comatose state then just the physician will be allowed to decide for your "death with dignity".
Prepare for a marxist SCOTUS who will MAKE Federal Law by interpreting the Constitution under the venue of "a Living Breathing Document" to make it a document of Death and collectivism.
Look and believe. One who has defiantly and publicly scoff lawed and the highest officials have turned their heads, and refused to record the "due process" meeting with her! This after Bill Clinton defiantly meets with the Attorney General for a "private" discussion.
The only "good" thing to come out of this is that the leftist revolution will be a bloodless one.
Some time in 2017 after the coronation this will come true comrades.
I could go on but...
Philippians 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.
But I'm not giving up without a legal voting fight for the Donald.