You Have to Remember...
I am glad that God has forgotten my sins, and those of Ms. Fonda, and remembers them no more.
... that most Americans are not that much into the Word and what it teaches about "forgiveness", and even if they were, her betrayal is not going to be forgotten. I'm sure Benedict Arnold to Robert Hans had wished, deep down in their hearts, that they had not acted as they did against this country?
Secondly, it was Fonda that brought this subject back up (on Larry King), means that while she may be forgiven, she has yet to deal with it on a personal basis.
The truth is: to many Americans, she will always be the person who went to Nam and put down the men and women fighting for America.
You must have been born during, or, after Nam, and therefore, you would not truly understand the BETRAYAL that was experienced by those who were over there, otherwise, you'd be more understanding (or, maybe you wouldn't be???).
You also need to remember, that a good portion of the military was made up of draftees (I was drafted myself, but, chose to join to get a better choice of school/training).
Before you "flap your lips in the wind" make sure you know the history behind that war, and the fact that many men and women would rather have been home, not tramping through the swamps and rice paddies of that god-forsaken jungle!
With that said, I'll add this: If she has accepted Jesus, great! But, that doesn't take away the memory of her actions. History will always label her a traitor, even it it didn't meet the criteria of the Constitution.
Everyone should learn a lesson from Fonda... if you want to be remembered in a good way by society, than live a life that doesn't come back to "haunt" you 40 years later. No one forced Fonda to go over there and say what she said, and do what she did... she did that of her own free-will! The truth is, there will a whole lot of "hollywood types" who are remembered in a bad way, for their views on the wars this nation sends our military to fight. But, that is their right, to speak ill of the wars... and I personally knew several good men (one a very good friend from high school band) who died in Nam for your right to criticize me, and this post.
FINALLY, while she may be forgiven for her sins, her actions will never be forgotten by those whom she openly, and willingly BETRAYED!
While it is true that God told me to forgive... I don't see where He told me to forget... just like with you "mp", I forgive you for your overbearing, arrogant ways! I just won't forget that you are judgmental, and that will help me to know from which direction the "knife is coming!" And, that way, I can protect myself from people like you, on this particular Christian forum/board! :smilewinkgrin:
Shalom, and that means "peace" to you mp...
Pastor Paul :type: