New Member
Yes, sorry I have never met another like you who makes such a mockery out of the character of God. There may be others out there like you, but I doubt it. Prove me wrong, where are they?
"You expose yourself with everyword you write. It is polite to call Calvinists Calvin followers?"
I am not a follower of men johnp, you contradict yourself above by acting insulted for being a follower of calvin yet you admitt to being a follower of others. I just follow my bible, not man nor heritage.
"Is it bad doctrine to teach sola scripture and the Sovereignty of God?"
Johnp at the risk of sounding rude, I don't see what the above statement (too me and my understanding of scriptures)have to do with what you are putting out there. CAll me what you want John but I have never called anyone on thier salvation here or any other board. I have never called anyone a heritic. But what you are promoting is so far from scripture, and the Holy God I serve, that you are a waste of time to me.I said that I would that you hate me not because I hate you but because the God I serve, which I believe to be the God of the bible, offends you so much that you want nothing to do with me. I do not want to assonate you either. You are here for a purpose which God has determind.
If I was told by God to do something and my parents told me to do something else my priority would be to God. However that would not mean I hate my parents. Your view is very odd. I can love God but love my parents less. I can love my parents more but love my friends less. I can love my friends more but love my enemies less. Why would a God who is love tell us to love our enemies when He does not? According to you. Yes your doctrine is very screwy too me.
"Your teaching is unscriptural and leads many to Hell why should I hate you?"
This statement I just have to chuckle at. Here is a calvinist who believes God controls man like a puppet even to the pt of makeing him sin. And yet I can teach so that men go to hell! Johnp I cannot tharwt the will of God. You think too highly of me. And you contradict, again, you own theology.
AS to your last part that I am "trying to kid you into believing God love Esau.." I am not doing any such. Scriptures proves itself and life backs it up. If you are not telling your wife and kids that you hate them then again you are not living your theology. You see you cannot love two masters! Man what a mess you have made of scriptures Johnp.
If I miss any of your questions then ask them to me again. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I feel no threat from you. I will answer them If I can.
"You expose yourself with everyword you write. It is polite to call Calvinists Calvin followers?"
I am not a follower of men johnp, you contradict yourself above by acting insulted for being a follower of calvin yet you admitt to being a follower of others. I just follow my bible, not man nor heritage.
"Is it bad doctrine to teach sola scripture and the Sovereignty of God?"
Johnp at the risk of sounding rude, I don't see what the above statement (too me and my understanding of scriptures)have to do with what you are putting out there. CAll me what you want John but I have never called anyone on thier salvation here or any other board. I have never called anyone a heritic. But what you are promoting is so far from scripture, and the Holy God I serve, that you are a waste of time to me.I said that I would that you hate me not because I hate you but because the God I serve, which I believe to be the God of the bible, offends you so much that you want nothing to do with me. I do not want to assonate you either. You are here for a purpose which God has determind.
If I was told by God to do something and my parents told me to do something else my priority would be to God. However that would not mean I hate my parents. Your view is very odd. I can love God but love my parents less. I can love my parents more but love my friends less. I can love my friends more but love my enemies less. Why would a God who is love tell us to love our enemies when He does not? According to you. Yes your doctrine is very screwy too me.
"Your teaching is unscriptural and leads many to Hell why should I hate you?"
This statement I just have to chuckle at. Here is a calvinist who believes God controls man like a puppet even to the pt of makeing him sin. And yet I can teach so that men go to hell! Johnp I cannot tharwt the will of God. You think too highly of me. And you contradict, again, you own theology.
AS to your last part that I am "trying to kid you into believing God love Esau.." I am not doing any such. Scriptures proves itself and life backs it up. If you are not telling your wife and kids that you hate them then again you are not living your theology. You see you cannot love two masters! Man what a mess you have made of scriptures Johnp.
If I miss any of your questions then ask them to me again. I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I feel no threat from you. I will answer them If I can.