I am learning a lot from the posts.
do not think I am hard nosed as it may have come across.
I did trust the trump folks a whole lot more than the socialists/communists that are undermining states and personal rights.
If the vaccines came from a single source, then I would be concerned, but they were derived from three different companies in the U,S. If even one was faked, the evidence would have come out by now considering the health care workers who have lived and work in close proximity to the patients.
Balancing my practicality though is the certainty of the providence and security in my Savior. So, I take precautions not because I particularly need them, but so others are without an excuse to accuse. My testimony must be that I live without reproach as best as I am able.
please do not think I am puffing up myself, rather, I am the vilest who was mercifully bought and brought to the Savior. I live completely indebted to Him.