I just have a lack of understanding this phenomenon.
Many people do, and I don't blame you for not knowing that this latest crop of vaccines are not the same as what we grew up with, technology-wise.
They are far newer in design, and very little is publicly and practically known about how the human body reacts to mRNA / DNA technology.
I for one do not trust them,
and the speed at which they are now almost being forced upon the world's population, tells me that this is most probably not genuinely a matter of people's health and welfare, individually...
It's about getting them vaccinated at all costs, even if it means coercion and imposed restrictions until compliance is achieved.
To me, it's eerie to watch public ( and even private ) entities only
increasing their mandating of a set of vaccines that simply does not stop people from getting sick when exposed to the current "delta" strain of SARS-CoV2.
For example, there are two people just in my department, who were vaccinated this past spring and are now out sick with CoVID-19;
One of them is starting her 3rd week of absence.
Also, one person in my department, roughly my own age, has been in and out of both home and hospital recuperation
repeatedly since being vaccinated this past spring.
Finally, my plant has also gone back to all of its workers being required to wear masks, vaccinated or unvaccinated...
which I've never understood the distinction anyway, since masks don't completely prevent the spread of viruses, and unvaccinated people,
especially those who have already had CoVID-19, pose little to no threat to those who are vaccinated.
If that doesn't convey the message of the current vaccines not being fully effective against "delta", then I do not know what does...
and to me there's no point in getting vaccinated if I'm only going to get sick and be required to get tested and quarantine ( until symptoms subside ) anyway, which is our company's current policy for anyone who even remotely has any of the symptoms of CovID-19.
Besides, God created the human immune system to help ward off illnesses.
I've been blessed with a fairly strong one, so I've made it a practice to let His "system" do the job, instead of being vaccinated against many illnesses such as influenza over the years.
I would much prefer to do that, and let those who don't have a strong immune system exercise their own freedom of choice and get vaccinated... if they deem it necessary and wise.
At the end of the day, I'm a Christian and I'd like to trust the Lord
first with what things He has given me, before I seek further help from the sciences.