Aged man...
Back about 30 years ago my life was a train wreck in progress.
After a period of drawing and conviction, I came to my senses and surrendred myself to God and placed my faith in Christ.
I made that decision. God did not put me in a trance, and when I woke up I discovered, to my complete suprise that I was a different person.
No. I made that dicision. I was standing in the proverbial "valley of decision"..and I chose Christ.
And multiplied millions have made that same free will choice.
I made the decision to embrace Christ. Trust me, I was there when it happened.
My life since then has been a complete "180"
And all the praise goes to God Almighty, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus. None for me...I was just a miserable sinner asking for mercy.
I have no doubt of your salvation, nor would I.
However, you actually are proving the point I was making, that salvation is totally God's work and will, and never the believer's own volition of "free will choice."
Conviction of sin and judgement is brought to all the unregenerate. That is the Decalogue law imprinted upon every human heart - and there are those who to some level of success attain a human righteousness in which Paul speaks of in Romans. The unregenerate spend much time justifying, shifting blame, and in denial. Just as Adam did when God confronted him - hide and then blame someone else. Such was your condition before conversion, as you had no thought or desire of Godly righteousness and flaunted rebellion of any human righteousness.
However, the conviction of sin that brings a person to salvation, is more that God imprinting the Decalogue as He has done (according to the Scriptures) into every human heart.
It is "personal" conviction, tailored by the Holy Spirit using the Word to that specific person. It is a certain God awakened awareness of the awfulness of sin, the righteousness and just judgment of God, and the salvation to be found only in Christ.
That awareness is NOT available to all, for, as the parable of the sower illustrates, some dirt is not prepared for that purpose.
Romans says that belief is already in the heart and confession is already in the mouth before it is verbalized. To you it was "coming to my senses" time. To Paul, it was, "Lord, what would you have me to do?"
That means the Scriptures by work of the Holy Spirit had already implanted faith and belief that you became aware of and made confession, too. Just as Romans states. Belief must already occur in the heart for one to verbalize it as "Lord be merciful to me a sinner." Those that come to God must "first believe that He is and that He is the rewarder of those that diligently seek Him." "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."
One does not express true belief unless it is first found in the heart.
In the human rationality, you may think that "decision" was freely taken and made by you, however, as you testified, without the Holy Spirit conviction and drawing, no "decision" would have been even considered.
There are some that make the "implantation of the new nature" at the point of confession.
I do not.
I view the whole as a process to being "born again" as Jesus discussed with Nicodemus. The conviction is evidence of the seed of new birth is being planted. It takes gestation and forming, matures and a New Creature in Christ Jesus is manifested being born again not of corruptible but of incorruptible. Not of flesh, but of Spirit. "He that has begun a good work in you ..."
Looking upon your own conversion experience, demonstrates it is totally of the Sovereign will and work and not one part of human volition.
However, YOUR conversion (even as shown fitting to Scriptural principle) does not prove that the natural unregenerate human has capacity to choose Godly righteousness.
You have not show from the Scriptures any historical figure, nor passage in which "free will choice" of the unregenerate was ever made that was not to ultimately fail.