Sadly, I witnessed this time and time again in the 1960's (I'm older than most of you). The mindset of "the man is oppressing us" has been pushed on generations of Blacks. They are conditioned, like Pavlov's training, to respond.
Unlike ever other minority group, their negative response to such outcome (and I pray that the innocent finds justice) is to use it as an excuse to loot and seek personal gain. Nothing to do with a trial or race, simply an excuse for lawless behavior.
Justice and truth are never the issue; it is an ingrained "we deserve more" mentality of the welfare state that will surface. A dear Black Baptist brother and I had coffee the other day and he lamented that the action will probably be in MANY Black-majority communities, not just Sanford, FL. We prayed together about this.
Worse? If a jury, fearing such rioting, votes to wrongfully convict. You will see another "gloat fest" like when OJ killed his wife and got away with it (though his true colors came out in subsequent evil). Mob mentality.