New Member
Your ignorance of our Constitutional Rights is exceeded only by your ignorance of American History. The "idiotic gunsmoke mentality" never existed. The two guys facing off in the street in front of the saloon? Never happened. Pure Hollywood. You have been watching too much television.There is no excuse for not understanding that the word "assault" is a verb, not a noun. There is no such thing as an "assault rifle." "Assault" is something you do, not something you own.You fail to understand the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. The Declaration of Independence speaks of the right that the people have to "alter or abolish" a government that becomes destructive of its proper ends, namely, securing their inalienable rights. "The most important reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, if necessary, at last resort to protect themselves from tyranny in government." Thomas Jefferson.
You can't do that with a small handgun. That takes fire power.Keep all firearms available to law abiding citizens. WE THE PEOPLE, armed, is all that protects you from tyranny. Just say "Thank you" then shut up.
Agreed! The problem today is that most Americans do not understand why the second amendment was written. It was not for hunting or protection although a gun could be used for that. Nor was it simply a pistol or rifle. The right to bear arms was so the people could fight against the government using all the fire power available at the time if it ever got out of control and today it is out of control.
In fact the second amendment actually allows us to own the big stuff of today like anti tank, anti aircraft, tanks and planes, everything the military has. The idea is to be able to be armed as well as the government so we can fight against oppression from the government. We have already lost those rights and they are working on the rest. We are no longer a nation with a constitution that is followed.That is the reason I warn young people about going into the military.
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