I agree, poncho. Student loans? Federal grants?
And I saw your other thread. The thought crossed my mind about a false flag and the 2nd amendment right after the tragedy happened. You see, I put nothing past this administration, especially in light of Fast and Furious, and I mean nothing.
Remember what Rahm Emanuel said about crisis?
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
It's not just this administration although I do believe they are as evil as they come. Taking advantage of crisis is what government does. Have you looked into what's been going on in Syria?
I have. Let me sum up. NATO and the US government has been fomenting the violence there by training, funding and arming terrorists that go around murdering people and blaming it all on Assad's government.
The corporate media then tries to use this "crisis" to mold public opinion favorable to all out military intervention.
Same thing happened in Libya almost to the letter.
If our government is willing and it has shown that it is beyond any shadow of a doubt to put thousands upon thousands of people at risk of sectarian violence and death as is going on still in Libya and now Syria how can anyone in their right mind believe our government would refrain from treating it's own people in the same manner to get what it's after?
Government lives and grows by crisis whether it happened by pure chance or the government created it. Look at the financial crisis. What's coming out of that? The consolidation of power. A private global banking system.
Was that a manufactured crisis? Probably. Who benefits?
Man made global warming? Biggest crisis ever? No biggest hoax ever. What's it all about? Global taxes and micro managed control over each of our lives by unelected bureaucrats that don't even live in the USA.
So, yes the government and media will try it's level best to use this "batman" crisis to grab our guns.
And here's the
The text of the anticipated and hotly-contested United Nations Arms Trade Treaty has been leaked, with the treaty itself set to be adopted and signed by member States as early as tomorrow, July 27. President Obama, today joining the chorus for gun control inside the United States in the wake of the Batman massacre, has previously indicated that he would sign the treaty, which would then have to be ratified by the Senate.
Masked behind the language of promoting peace in an international world by preventing genocide, the UN has unleashed a great Trojan Horse that calls upon States to enact national legislation sufficient to meet the minimum goals outlined in this treaty– including gun registries, background checks, import/export controls and more for arms of all types, including small & conventional weapons.
“Each State Party shall adopt national legislation or other appropriate national measures regulations and policies as may be necessary to implement the obligations of this Treaty,” the treaty text states in part.
It makes specific note that the treaty places no limit upon
greater gun control efforts within individual nations, and additionally places no expiration on the agreement. The scope of this language proves the analysis by Infowars (
4), writers at
Forbes and many other publications that have been warning about this deceptive encroachment to be correct– there is an effort to disarm America underway.
The devil, as usual, is in the details.