Anybody's rules are stupid and unbiblical if they don't have BIBLE for them. Hello?
The rules that Evangelist pointed out have no roots in Scripture at all.
So, yes, they are stupid and unbiblical.
Anybody who has the audacity to say that God is against something when God himself has not said he is against it is stupid. What could be more blasphemous than to think you can speak for God where God has not spoken?
Your offensive remarks are just that: offensive and rude. And that, my friend, is not Biblical. It is "stupid" of you to post in this way knowing what people will think of you in the future. It is not posting in grace.
The Bible says:
A man shall give account of every word he says;
For by thy words thou shat be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Now consider the OP, in light of what you have said:
Does the Bible have rules?
Certainly: We have the Ten Commandments.
We have the commandments of Jesus; "He who keeps my commandments is he that loves me." If we love Jesus we will keep those commands that he has given us. Our obedience to him is a demonstration of our love.
So, yes, there are commands in the Bible.
In the pastoral epistles there are many more commands, as there are in the other epistle.
Are there man-made rules? Yes, and in Romans 13 we are required by law to follow many of them.
What about in church? We are to both obey and to submit to our elders, as they who rule over us and watch for our souls.
And other man-made rules? The Pharisees had many rules; so many that they became a burden to the people. Were all of them bad? No, not all of them. They became bad whenever one of two things happened.
One, they transgressed the laws of God. The example is given about "Corban" when they exercised a law from the Talmud which allowed them to get out of their duty from taking care of their parents. This was totally unbiblical.
Second, when they took some of these man-made laws and imposed them on the people thus making them burdensome for the people to keep. It wasn't wrong for them to keep many of the laws or rules they had made for themselves. But if they were outside the Word it was wrong to impose them on the rest of the Jews. That is what made them Pharisees or legalists.
An example. I know a pastor (now passed away) who would not baptize a woman unless she first promised not to wear slacks again. He believed that all Christian women should wear dresses and skirts that come down to the knee at least. That might not be a bad standard to have, but it shouldn't prevent one from being baptized.
Neither should it be imposed. If it is his conviction, then by example it should eventually become the conviction of others, not forced upon anyone. Modesty can be properly taught from the pulpit in an appropriate way according to the convictions of the pastor. It doesn't have to be legalistically imposed.
BTW, do secular companies have rules and regulations concerning dress?
Do lawyers who represent you in court wear "business suits"?
Why are they called "business suits"? Who wears them and why?
Are not pastors also professionals? Do not they and their wives have a standard they also should adhere to? Or is dress in the secular world more important than dressing for the King of kings and Lord of lords?