I could very well be wrong, bur I think I may have a handle on what the resident knucklehead is getting at. It seems that everything he believes flows from his thinking about Election. Here goes:
In the eternal realm, God chose, ordained, and predestined everything that would come to pass in this earthly realm. It's a very, very strict form of fatalism. In another thread, Icon mentioned SBM's view that God is the author of sin. For the record, I did not see thus asserted by SBM directly, I could have missed it.
Anywho, in this extreme fatalism, everything happens by God's choice - sin, salvation, what you ate for breakfast, etc. All we're doing in this realm is living in a rerun.
So before anyone was ever born, God determined every action, every thought, every choice. No thought or action finds its root in man.
Adam was chosen to be saved, and to be the "federal head" of those who are children of God. All those chosen to salvation were chosen to be in Adam - in eternity. They sinned in eternity and they were saved in eternity - all by God's choosing.
The children of the devil were not chosen to be children of God, so their sin was not "in Adam"
I'm not sure, but there may be a different classification for sin, depending on whether one was chosen to be in Adam or a child of the devil. The chosen few might have been chosen to commit redeemable sins, while the children of wrath might have been.predestined to commit nonredeemable sins
Maybe similar to the Roman Catholic idea of venial sin versus mortal sin?
If I'm understanding him right, this may be closer to some form of Preexistence