Hope all is going well with you.
This line between saved and unsaved in relation to Christians sinning for me in what I have read in Scripture is hard to exactly define.
Ageed and that by God's design
It is a given that habitual, pattered, persistent sin give an indication of a person without Christ. On the other hand, the person that is truly saved does still have the old sin nature, and does sin daily.
SN...we are still in a body of flesh that can sin...but we do not have two natures like a spiritual schicophrenic fighting with a good dog and a bad dog all day long.The scripture says the Old man has been co-crucified with Christ.
We are to live in light of this reality by the Spirits power and our obedience of faith...mortifying or putting to death the motions of sin in the body.Part of biblical mortification is a positive pursuit of holiness which most pay not enough attention to. The means of grace are not to be neglected.
The difference between the two is that the Holy Spirit resides in the saved person, and is constantly at work reproving, conviction, etc to bring this person back on the path to becoming more like Christ. The reason the lost persons pattern is persistent is that there is no Holy Spirit to guide him.
So, given that, it comes down to how we make a judgment. First of all, of all people, you know that we live in a fallen state and our observations are subject to error. We also know that there is no or an unknown time limit that the Holy Spirit does in taking the saved person back on the narrow path.
we are sinners saved by grace and yet as we grow in knowledge we are our brothers keeper...we do not have perfect judgement at all so we have to careful on one hand not to shoot wounded soldiers....and yet not to look away or in any way enable sin.
6 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.
2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.
4 But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.
5 For every man shall bear his own burden.
6 Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.
Lets say you were driving your truck down the road past a bar. You see a drunk stagger out. What does through your mind? The person is unsaved, or is there the possibility this just happened, and the Holy Spirit is working on a Christian brother to repent? What about the second night? We could think of endless examples, but I think you get what I am trying to say.
When we see Sinful behavior in the life of another professed believer we are to be concerned....in other words...if I see a deacon coming out of a topless bar fondling a barmaid outside the no tell-motel...i am not going to assume they are heading for bible study. I would have the right and responsibility to question him and urge him to repent of such sin....i would at that point give him no assurance that he is a christian,and yet i cannot conclude that he is not ...even though it looks bad. Any christian can fall. they can be restored. At no time however should we enable sin telling them they are "carnal christians" who have not made the discovery of the spiritual life....
most times that is done to a person who made a false profession in the flesh...so we tell them to re-dedicate themselves...which is another fleshly mistake...and it becomes a cycle that ends in death.
So my question to you is, do you have a way of discerning which side of the line these folks are on? I suppose you would have to spend some time with them to get a more accurate answer.
yes...first we have to hold ourselves up against the standard of the word of God by serious self examination and strive to obey the laws of God by the Spirit's power.. who will listen to us if we do not obey ourselves to any degree?
We have the verses that say the drunkard, fornicator (which includes mental gymnastics as much as the physical act), liars, etc shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Those passages are life and death , not to be side stepped at all.
When does the act become patterned, habitual, or persistent? I do not believe there is an exact answer. The best I could say is that if there is no response from the Holy Spirit, then there is no salvation.
We do not have to know exactly...but we have to be cautiously concerned if a problem arises. God has no undisciplined children..hebrews 12...who would be bastards and not sons.
I do not want to get back on the subject of Paul Washer, but in several of his sermons, he says, if you are doing this or that, then you are going to hell. He does not know.
Sn......of course he does not know...specifically...but he does know that any living in open sin are in danger of second death.he warns attempting to turn the people back to God and self examination.
he is called in many times to deliver just such a message because the pastors who invite him know what he is about.he travels around and coming from the outside can speak in general yet specific terms .
Anyway, I would appreciate any comments you have on what I said. I also and glad we exchange posts in a civil manner. I wish I had the ability to do that to everyone I came across.
We have both in times past failed in this. In this thread i believe you have gotten worked up and blew a fuse with some of the other men...tour regular conflict with Rippon, and now also JDF. You get heated up, blow a fuse then attack.....i might be in danger of that myself with TNDC in responding to his errant post. It is not the best as we talk past each other and rather than communicate....we suspect hostile motives and intent....which cycles down to a base level.it should not be....it is....and we all need to work on this.
Someone suggested you pause and take a breath and relax a bit more.This i find it difficult to do also as an attack, or even a preceived attack comes... we do not seeing it as coming from another brother...but an enemy who needs to be defeated...especially not having sat or spoken with the other person face to face.
I do not think we need to avoid it, but work through it,warts and all.
The bottom line is for the Christian, living a life for Christ is not in our effort anyhow, but Gods,
God does work in us...but we then work as a response
phil 1;6 followed by phil 2:
12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence,
work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
and should be a natural thing for the saved, and it should be very uncomfortable when he or she strays. The HS must be waving red flags, bells, and whistles, a warning of the rough road ahead. James paints a picture of a life for Christ as being a byproduct of being saved. For the unsaved person, he just continues to sin with the natural consequences.
exactly...and yet we struggle and fail on our best days...that is why Paul says ;
24 O wretched man
that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.