You do not understand what he objects to because you do not listen
Not only did I listen, I even demonstrated that I listened by repeating back what Washer said at the time he told me to listen.
Paul Washer during that minute gave a pep talk for being a Pharisee, not living by faith in the Lord.
OK. Now that you've made the accusation, you have a responsibility to back it up.
this has nothing to do with the character of Paul Washer.
Wait a minute! All you've done up to this point is impugn his character! How can you turn around now and say that it has nothing to do with his character.
Aside from preaching a works salvation, he is rude, arrogant, mean, hateful and disrespectful.
So are you. Does that mean we should treat you the way you treat Washer?
Nothing he does honors the Lord.
So, what do you do that honors the Lord? We know it certainly isn't the way you behave regarding brothers in Christ. So, what?
So who hasn't been in a foreign country and experienced the culture and told others about Christ?