More specifically, Racism is thinking your race is superior simply based on race.
For example some might say: Blacks are always better than Whites in basketball.
That's not as Biblical as it sounds unless you're referring to
spiritual superiority, because in the
flesh, some races are superior to others Biblically; and unless you're not thinking of the ethically bad sense of the term "racism".
I now am addressing all readers.
The differences between the races are as real as reality, and that is
not a justifiable basis for hate, nor for envy for that matter. The problem is that many use that as a basis for hatred, and the devil has used the racist horrors of WWII by pushing our reflexive
overcompensation to an extreme, whereby even the church has totally soaked up the world's view of races rather than the Bible's, to the point of saying with the world insane things like "race is a social construct". If you agree with that, then you ought to also agree with the world that "gender is a social construct". The world is sometimes more consistent than the Christians. How can we not see that the devil has swung the
pendulum over to the other side of the ditch? Because our minds are more formed by the Media than the Bible.
Please listen, Racism, when it merely acknowledges differences between races, is
not evil.
But when it justifies hatred or injustice based on said differences, then it becomes evil.
I'm an Arab, and Jews are superior to Arabs (and every other race too) as far as the flesh is concerned, and the flesh is where race is found. That's not my opinion, that's Paul's:
Php 3:4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more:
Why more? Because:
Php 3:5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;
not talking about
individuals, as there are always exceptions, but all races are
not equal in their physical and mental or even moral capacities.
However, all souls are equal in terms of worth in the eyes of God and are to be equally loved and justly treated.
It's amazing how this
Biblical view, has become so anathema to people, yet only the temperate, balanced view will save us from the extremes:
A) deny the differences or even the existence of races and you have Communism;
B) justify hatred based on those differences and you've got what some would call Fascism.
Swinging to
either extreme only worsens the problem and plays into the devil's hand.
And yes, the OP is that much self-righteous, Biblically-superficial, grand-standing, unless you provide examples and are ready to speak.