But Christianity IS about loving God and loving other people. That kind of love requires a heart, soul, strength, and mind that ...... well, the purer the better.
Surely, brother you can see posts from the past few weeks [even before George Floyd] that are unloving, unkind, bashing entire groups of people, and grievous to the Holy Spirit. Surely you can see that.
I'm not being a snowflake. I can't stand the snowflake mentality. And I am guilty, too.. Over the past 18 years that I have been here, I've been guilty of stirring the pot and being mean-spirited on purpose.
I hope I've changed in the past few years.
But this message board and the other two message boards I'm on and Facebook and social media is FULL of all kinds of hatefulness and mean-spiritedness. And the devil is delighted.
The Baptistboard is NOT immune.