Oral tradition are men's words...if they agree with God's, then they are true.
If they don't, then the men are lying, not God.
That's why I posted Numbers 23:19 further back, and this as well:
"God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged." ( Romans 3:4 )
We've already covered this, but it seems you don't put the authority of God's word first, and men's second. Men cannot be trusted to walk a straight line, much less get Oral Tradition right...or even hold to it for more than a few centuries, IMO. That's why each successive set of councils from 418 all the way until Trent in 1563 kept changing their minds about doctrine, among other issues.
In 418 at the Councils of Carthage, Pelagianism was denounced as heresy.
In 529 at the Second Council of Orange, Semi-Pelagianism was denounced as heresy.
Yet, by the time of the Council of Trent in 1563, it was upheld.
Now, if you notice, I also used the Douay Rheims in addition to the AV...which was done by the English College at Douai, France at the behest of the Catholic Church in 1582.
With respect, I can make the same case using it, if you prefer.